Gojira + Lacuna Coil @ The Forum 01-12-22

photos: Nathan Goldsworthy @odin.imaging

words: Jennifer Rouse


Open up and say “ahh” for Gojira. Crowd participation mandatory.

The Forum was nothing short of a heaving mass of heat, sweat, and a density that only gets to be experienced once every blue moon.

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

It wasn’t a solar event that brought Gojira to Melbourne shores, but a little thing we call Good Things Festival and we are forever grateful to the sideshow gods to have had the opportunity for a refresher in the faster and finer points of blast beats. Positively vibrating the very flesh off your bones Gojira, along with Lacuna Coil as support, showed up, turned out, and took names to prove it.

Pyrotechnics, smoke machines, hand drawn signs, you name it and it happened. If you didn’t leave the Forum with a thick foam of eau-de-crowd emanating from you were you even out on a school night?








Loosen up those necks, butter your knees, and get yourself to Flemington Race course because you aren’t going to want to miss what they have in store for the festival stage

Full gallery below